Thursday, December 6, 2012

random videos of kindness

Red Dwarf I,II,III,IV
Red Dwarf Smeg ups
Logans Run

Just a few of the classic titles I've collected over the years. I haven't had the heart to throw them out and there's no where to sell them any more.  I have hoarded a big plastic box full of them and a video player which have been sitting in the garage for about 4 years.   So when I saw a request on Wellington Re-cycle for a video/videos I was really happy.  Finally a place for them to go to where they'll be used! 

A fabulous lady called cynthia came around yesterday.  I had just watched my favourite TED video (see previous post) and was in a great mood when she arrived.  She wanted them for her son, aged 9, and I couldn't be happier.  I had to go through them a bit to make sure I had all the home videos myself (no euphamism!) and point out the potentially above-aged-9-rated tapes.  She was such a lovely lady - american/canadian accent and 5 kids!

I had a big smile on my face when she later sent me a text:
'Thanks again cd. My son was happy and laughing watching Red Dwarf. He said it was one of his favourites.  I heard him exclaiming, oh man! I cant believe i got all these red dwarfs!'

I can just imagine him bouncing up and down as he says it, eyes wide.  :D  Enjoy little guy!

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