Thursday, December 6, 2012

random videos of kindness

Red Dwarf I,II,III,IV
Red Dwarf Smeg ups
Logans Run

Just a few of the classic titles I've collected over the years. I haven't had the heart to throw them out and there's no where to sell them any more.  I have hoarded a big plastic box full of them and a video player which have been sitting in the garage for about 4 years.   So when I saw a request on Wellington Re-cycle for a video/videos I was really happy.  Finally a place for them to go to where they'll be used! 

A fabulous lady called cynthia came around yesterday.  I had just watched my favourite TED video (see previous post) and was in a great mood when she arrived.  She wanted them for her son, aged 9, and I couldn't be happier.  I had to go through them a bit to make sure I had all the home videos myself (no euphamism!) and point out the potentially above-aged-9-rated tapes.  She was such a lovely lady - american/canadian accent and 5 kids!

I had a big smile on my face when she later sent me a text:
'Thanks again cd. My son was happy and laughing watching Red Dwarf. He said it was one of his favourites.  I heard him exclaiming, oh man! I cant believe i got all these red dwarfs!'

I can just imagine him bouncing up and down as he says it, eyes wide.  :D  Enjoy little guy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happiness is a warm TED

This is the best post ever on TED:

That's a big claim, I know, but I think when I go back to a single post time and time again, it's gotta be good.  I get excited by this 12 minute speech every time I listen to it!  Amazing.  It supports my setting up this blog in the first place - although I saw it long after I had started this.  It makes me think of the blog which I was originally inspired by - it's about finding the good thing that happens each day.  i honestly don't know how this couple managed to fit it into their busy world.

Some of the best quotes from Shawn Achor:
  • Amy, you're a baby unicorn!
  • If we study what is merely average, we will remain merely average.
  • It is the lens through which you view the world which shapes your reality.  If we can re-shape the lens not only can we change your happiness but the outcomes as well.

Reversing the formula for happiness, positivity in the present and seeing the good in life will change your focus and give you a happiness advantage.  Your intelligence rises, your creativity rises, energy levels rise.

Imagine that...